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New machine FIBER LASER 50 W
Now we will be able to engrave with the help of the laser on almost any material .

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Certification ISO 9001:2015
Quality is a non-negotiable element in our work and for this reason we are pleased to announce that we are an ISO 9001:2015 certified company.

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New machine for quality control CMM MITUTOYO BRT 9166
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New facilities
Our new facilities are ready to welcome us .
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New machine OKUMA GENOS M560-V-e 4-AXIS
In order to meet our ever increasing orders we have just completed the installation of a new OKUMA GENOS M560-V-e 4-AXIS CNC machining center .

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New facilities
DIM.KO ENGINEERING made a significant investment in new building , so it will now be housed in privately owned facilities of 2,500 sq.m. of covered areas and 5,000 sq.m. plot.